Simone Bellavia's Web Page

The beauty of loneliness

Too many distractions, a constant need to be with someone because we don’t feel good alone. We can’t talk to ourselves, sometimes some of our thoughts frighten us. Since I lost my dad, I have become a little more lonely in my life. Unfortunately, no one can fill that void. The truth is, it really doesn’t need to be filled! This caused me to be more with myself. At first I hated it. After a while, I really love being alone now, and I’m getting so used to it that I don’t think I’d be used to having a constant presence in my life. I haven’t had any special feelings for anyone for a long time, my focus has shifted to me and it will stay that way for a long time. Now I have a new companion in life: loneliness. And I am so excited to do all the things I want to do! I want to travel, surf more spots, improve myself.

Today I am really at peace with myself.